Friday, 14 December 2012

BNA Test

BNA test on Wednesday!
What do I need to know…

·     The American Revolution
o      The First Treaty of Paris
o      The acts of taxation that angered the American colonies
o      The Quebec Act (Intolerable Act)
o      The Ohio Valley
o      The Declaration of Independence
o      The Second Treaty of Paris
·       Who the United Empire Loyalists were
o      Where they settled
o      Why they remained Loyal
o      How they changed Canada
o      The development of Upper and Lower Canada
·        The Causes of the War of 1812
o      General Isaac Brock
o      American Jingoism
o      American Expansion Westward
o      One Major Battle 

Monday, 10 December 2012

Coming Up...

I know the break is just around the corner but we certainly have a lot of work to do for this week:

Tuesday: Your book jackets are due for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Wednesday: Your interview with a Loyalist is due for history
Friday: Your "Wanted Poster" of General Zaroff is due

Use your time wisely -- make sure you're on top of your work. And please, please don't forget to bring in materials for the diorama of General Zaroff's room tomorrow!


-Mr. Charalambous

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Writing Book Jackets

Remember -- writing a book jack is like seeing a trailer in a movie theatre. You don't want to give away too much information, but you certainly want to hook the reader into your story.

Have a look at what we created as a class:

“It happened again,” thought Mr. Francis.

Mr. Francis bought the old decrepit house five years ago. They said it was haunted. Of course, Mr. Francis – having been a scientist for 20 years of his life – didn’t believe in such nonsense.

Until now.

After Mr. Francis bought the house on Wright Street, he began to hear strange noises. At first, he wasn’t too bothered. Until it started getting worse.
The house shook. The power went out.

Then...came the voices.

Will Mr. Francis figure out this mystery or will he go insane…

We've given just enough information to hook the reader, but we don't want to give away too much information. 

Monday, 26 November 2012

The Medium of Fiction

We've identified a number of themes/messages in the story of Angelique including: racism, fairness, injustice, equality...etc. These next few days we'll be reading short stories to explore how messages and themes are hidden in the medium of story telling (e.g., short stories). 

In a couple of weeks we'll begin writing our own stories to explore the themes in Angelique and send out a positive message to all our readers.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Hanging of Angelique

I'm incredibly thrilled to announce that Dr. Afua Cooper -- award winning author and distinguished historian -- has agreed to come and speak to our classes on slavery in Canada.

We will definitely keep you posted!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

When we read...

7A: remember that when we're decoding historical texts -- making sense of what we read -- we need to take our time. 

Read a sentence at a time. Stop and think about what you read. Don't plow through the reading and then reflect; instead, reflect as you read! Use a dictionary when you encounter a word that that you don't know and rewrite it in your own words, staying faithful to the text.

Here's was today's reading we read in class:

Deposed [...] that she does not know at all who set fire to the house of her said aunt. That shortly before the fire appeared, she saw the said woman pouting in the kitchen and saw her go out the door to the street and speak with Marie Manon, slave of Sieur de Berey. And that she has since heard by hearsay that she had told the said Marie Manon that she would not sleep in the house, nor her master. Which is all that she said she knows, except that she saw two or three times, before The fire, the man named Thibault with the said woman in the kitchen of the said Dame Francheville. [...] 

And here is how, as a class, we made sense of the text, editing it, rewording it, making it readable:

Marguarite de Couagne testified that she does not know who set the fire to her aunt’s house (Madame Couagne). Shortly before the fire appeared, she saw Angelique pouting in the kitchen and then go out the door to speak with Marie Manon. Since the fire, she has heard through hearsay (gossip) that Angelique told Marie Manon that she would not sleep in the house that night, nor would Madame Couagne. That is all she said she knows apart from the fact that before the fire she saw Angelique two or three times in the kitchen with Thibault.

Also here is a list of today's words that we learned:

hearsay = gossip 
e.g., "Who told you that I took her marker? That's all hearsay!"

pouting = crying
e.g., "Stop pouting!"

caveat = a condition
e.g., "You can use the computer today -- but I have a caveat to add..."

As always, thanks for the fantastic work in class!

-Mr. Charalambous   

Confederation Conference Confirmation

So the date has been set. This Wednesday, November the 14th, we will be having our Confederation Conference in the gym.

8A we will take attendance in the gym and we'll start immediately at 8:15 and go until 8:55. Please feel free to come in at 8:00 and begin to set up. I will be there to supervise.

8B we will continue from approximately 8:55 to 9:55.

Thanks everyone and best of luck!

Mr. Charalambous


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Fall of New France

Answer these questions for next Wednesday's class:
1. Look at the map of New France/Quebec that was distributed last class. Why  do you think the British find it difficult to capture Quebec?
2. Why was Wolfe victorious at the Plains of Abraham? How did he win?
3. How do you think the "Canadiens" (French-Canadians) felt when they realized that the British had conquered New France? 

Finally, on Wednesday's class I will be posing one final question to wrap up our unit on New France. It will have to do with why we still speak French in Canada today. Look in your notes and gather up any and all information related to that from our New France unit.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Campaigning for Angelique

As we discussed in class today, it's sometimes hard to figure out what makes something significant. It certainly should teach us lessons. It should be relevant, impactful and inspiring.

Angelique's story fits that criteria -- but her story is notably missing from the Grade 7 History curriculum. In fact, there's no mention of slavery in the New France unit at all!

So we leave it to you. Your assignment over the next couple of days is campaign for Angelique. You are to create brochures that educate your fellow peers about Angelique's story and try to get her story added to the Grade 7 curriculum.

-Mr. Charalambous

Friday, 2 November 2012

Confederation Conference

Attention Grade 8s: Wednesday, November 14 we will be having our Confederation Conference. Please keep the date in mind and come prepared!

-Mr. Charalambous

Sunday, 28 October 2012


For those of you who posted your readings of your letters from Angelique, check out your VoiceThread profiles for some feedback. Make sure you listen to the feedback and take some time tonight to practice reading the letters. For those of you who haven't posted your readings yet -- please do so!

Also just a friendly reminder it's spirit week this week! Wear our school colours tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday!

-Mr. Charalambous

Thursday, 25 October 2012

...From Angelique

 I just want to take the opportunity to thank all of you for the great job you did on the letters from Angelique. I posted them up on the wall today -- they look fantastic!

Monday, 22 October 2012

New France Test

Hey everyone just a heads up: this coming Friday (26th) we will be having our test on New France. Here are the things you are expected to know...

Filles du roi
The explorers and founders of New France (Champlain and Cartier)
Coureur de bois
The Jesuits 
The habitants and the seigneurs
The Acadians and their expulsion from Acadia.

We will be reviewing tomorrow so come prepared with your notes!

-Mr. Charalambous

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Black Hands: The Trial of the Arsonist Slave

Tomorrow we're going to view the documentary "Black Hands: the Trial of the Arsonist Slave." While you're watching the film, please keep in mind the documents that we've been reading in class. Was there enough evidence to have convicted Angelique of the crime?

Weird Words

Here's a list of the vocabulary that we've developed over the past couple of weeks, while looking at the story of Angelique:

Accomplices:                  Someone who is a part of the crime

Bailiff:                            Person who makes the arrest

Bourgeois:                      Upper class/fancy

Conflicting Evidence:       Does not support the proof given

Corroborating:                Supports the proof already given

Decree:                          Order

Diminish:                       Downplay

Domicile:                       Where you live

Denounce:                     Disapproving of something

Deposed:                       Made a statement/stated

Deposition:                    Statement/Testimony

Desertion:                     Abandoning a place/person/leaving

Embers:                        Coals from a fire

Gaol:                            Prison

Imprudently:                 Rashly

Menaced:                      Drives someone crazy

Mistress:                       Owner of the house/boss

Nullified:                       Made void/ to cancel

Ordinance:                    Law or regulation

Reparation:                   Repaying of debt/fixing things

Rife:                             Abundant

“Said woman:”              (Usually refers to Angelique)

Scapegoat:                    Person or object wrongfully blamed for something

Verdict:                         Final decision

Virtue:                          Particular moral quality

Writ:                            A written order signed by a judge

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Torture and the Truth: Angelique and the Burning of Montreal

We have quite the next couple of weeks ahead of us. Not only have we started our new math unit on integers but we have started looking into Angelique and her story. We came up with a number of great questions to frame our inquiry and we'll be working up to our elbows in primary documents from the time period. 

I'm definitely excited for this unit -- reading through Angelique's story will give us the opportunity to hone our reading skills (determining important information, comprehension, identifying bias and perspective and finally, inferring, i.e., reading between the lines). While at the same time, dealing with such difficult readings has given us the opportunity to appreciate the need for good writing (editing skills, knowing your audience...etc).

As always, I appreciate the effort each and every one of you gives in class and look forward to exploring this unit together!

-Mr. Charalambous

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Consider this...

One more thing 7A -- I want you to consider that we've identified a number of themes today: judgment, empathy, acceptance, fairness, misunderstandings, euqality bravery, trust...etc.

While all these themes exist -- there is one overwhelming message that stands out. Which one is most supported by the evidence you found?



Hey 7A,

Just a friendly reminder that you make sure you change your passwords on your VoiceThread accounts. That information (as with anything else) is private. Do not give out or share that info with friends.

-Mr. Charalambous

Monday, 17 September 2012

VoiceThread is up and running!


Your VoiceThread profile pages are up and running. You can go on tonight and upload your first assignment. I'll give you feedback as they come in. Remember you need to:

1. Sign in
2. Click on the "menu" option on your profile page (the little cog)
3. Click "edit"
4. Then upload your image and make your comments!


-Mr. Charalambous

Friday, 14 September 2012

Voicethread Update

Hi 7A,

I've got some news that I'm sure you'll like: DO NOT upload your Frog Belly Rat Bone graphic organizer to Voicethread. It seems that we've still got to set up the profile page -- but that should be done by Monday. So again, don't upload your theme response to FBRB this weekend. 

In the meantime make sure that your profile IS uploaded to Voicethread by Monday. There are still a couple of students who haven't done that just yet. Other than that, make sure you complete your math questions for the weekend.

Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Charalambous

Monday, 10 September 2012


Hi 7A,

There are those of you who are asking to bring in technology into our classrooms (laptops, iPads, iPhones...etc). I must stress that if you choose to bring in those objects, they become YOUR responsibility. Please remember that the school does not take responsibility for lost or stolen items. If we're not using tech in the classroom, they MUST be locked away in your lockers.

Mr. Charalambous

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Welcome, 7A!

I'm absolutely excited to welcome everyone back! In particular, I'm looking forward to another amazing year with the new grade 7s!

I'm sure you'll notice right away that it's a bit different being in intermediate -- lots of responsibility and accountability on your shoulders now. But at the same time, you've still got the same involved and caring teachers to help you along the way.

At any rate, I'd also like to take the opportunity to welcome you to our classblog! For the grade 8s reading this, you'll notice that the tab format is a bit different. There's now a "homework" tab instead of the multiple tabs that were up last year. You won't have to worry about that though; your information will be posted under 8A/8B History. Grade 7s: with this blog, you'll never forget what you had for homework. At the same time though, you'll never have an excuse as to why it's not complete! ;) Sorry!

Everything you'll need to know for Hist/Geo, Math and Language will be updated under the "Homework" tab. Periodically, the "Home" page will be updated with upcoming events and news that you or your parents might need to know. Speaking of which, yes, your parents will and do have access to this blog as well. 

So again, welcome to the 2012/2013 school year!